Taurus Year Ahead 2010 Prediction…

Taurus in 2010

Outcome Card of the Year: Strength
Your Lucky Elements
Lucky Number – 8, 17
Lucky Dates – 8, 26
Lucky Color – Green, Pink, Pale blue
Lucky Day – Friday
Lucky Birth Stone – Emerald
Lucky Season – Late Springs

General overview

Strength is your card. The year 2010 will be more focused on challenging situations in family matters, business, finance, things that stemmed from the past & reward for persistence and effort. You will overcome all obstacles, and nothing will keep you from advancing towards your goals because you will have the kind of inner fortitude that nothing can defeat. Love and faith will be the grounding influences of this year and provide strength to triumph in all situations. You can also expect improved conditions in your finances and love life, resolving business or emotional dilemmas.

Career & Finance

The focus of the year 2010 will be on challenging situations pertaining to business and finance. An unexpected challenge or confrontation will arise by others who directly or indirectly oppose you initially. Restraints will come to an end, and positive changes in your business affairs in the form of recognition or promotion will at last come on your way. Results may be slow. It’s a wonderful year for students appearing for competitive examinations. Adversity will evoke even greater effort on your part, enabling you to achieve results, succeed in overcoming opposition, and win others over to your point of view. Financial troubles will be handled effectively, or money that was held up, promised, or expected will arrive and all debts will be paid. In time, things will clear up once and for all, and your efforts will begin to show results.

Romance, possibilities, friendships, social life & travel

With the power of the Strength card, energies you will gain trust and respect through generous and open heart. Your love and kindness will overcome many obstacles and convert friends from opponents…

Read full prediction for the year ahead 2010 by Celebrity Tarot Reader Divya Chugh and get guidance

3 comments on “Taurus Year Ahead 2010 Prediction…

  1. Richard says:

    Nice Post, I have bookmarked your site and will return again.
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  2. Sanjeev says:

    good one .. i like this because i am also taurian

  3. zizi says:

    i hope what you say will come true.

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